Local CPPE ENT Training – Booking Details

NHS Norfolk & Waveney and NHS Suffolk & North-East Essex ICB’s are working together to organise local training support for the rollout of the Pharmacy First service. This will include ear, nose and throat clinical skills workshops, including otoscope training etc. Below are the details of the local events in Norfolk and booking details.

Date: Sunday 25 February 2024

Venue: Queen’s Hill Community Centre, Poethlyn Drive, Queen’s Hills NR8 5BP, Room- Dinneen Hall

Time: 9.30am-12.45pm – FULLY BOOKED

Date: Sunday 25 February 2024

Venue: Queen’s Hill Community Centre, Poethlyn Drive, Queen’s Hills NR8 5BP, Room- Dinneen Hall

Time: 1.45pm-5.00pm – LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE

Keycode for booking: ENTN25P

Booking process

Visit the Book a workshop (cppe.ac.uk) page on the CPPE website – Pharmacy First Ear, Nose and Throat clinical assessment skills workshop

Click on the Choose event button and there will be a list of all events taking place across the country.

Scroll down to find the Queen’s Hills Community Centre events and select either the morning or afternoon workshop.

Type in the relevant key code for the selected session. These codes are specific for the Queen’s Hills Community Centre events and they cannot be used to book any other event.

You will need to bring along your own otoscope to use during the workshop – this is important to ensure that you have adequate time available to practice examination skills and become familiar with your own equipment. The Pharmacy First service specification contains information about the required features for purchasing equipment.

At least 4 weeks before the event the lead tutor will email participants registered for the workshop with pre-work and further details of the event. Participants can also access the learning materials at the time of booking from their pending bookings on the CPPE website.

For further information about the workshop click here