Commissioning Landscape & Services

East of England Community Pharmacy Contract Team

Following the process to align NHS England and NHS Improvement, the Community Pharmacy & Optometry Team sit within the Primary Care and Public Health Directorate and are based in three offices; Victoria House in Fulbourn, Swift House in Chelmsford and Charter House in Welwyn Garden City.
The East of England footprint for the region incorporates Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Luton, Milton Keynes, Norfolk and Suffolk.

General Inquiries


This is the preferred method of communication which is continually monitored during office hours.


If required is 01138 249154. A member of the team will be able to divert your call to the appropriate team member.

Since April 2013 most locally commissioned Healthy Lifestyle services are commissioned by Public Health Norfolk under the Norfolk County Council.

Please use your pharmacy ODS code when contacting Public health by email to enable identification and tracking of your query.

General Inquiries



Public Health, 3rd Floor,

County Hall,

Martineau Lane,
